Tell me about a successful presentation you gave (and why)

Tell me about a successful presentation you gave (and why)


“Tell me about a successful presentation you gave and why you think it was a hit” is a common interview question that aims to evaluate your presentation skills and ability to engage an audience.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

This question helps interviewers assess:

  • Your communication and presentation abilities.
  • How you engage and connect with an audience.
  • Your capacity for preparing and delivering compelling content.

How to Answer the Question

  1. Select a Memorable Presentation: Choose a presentation that was well-received and had a positive impact.
  2. Use the STAR Method:
    • Situation: Set the context for the presentation.
    • Task: Describe the purpose and objectives of the presentation.
    • Action: Explain how you prepared and delivered the presentation.
    • Result: Share the feedback and outcomes that made it a success.
  3. Highlight Key Presentation Skills: Emphasize your preparation, delivery style, audience engagement, and ability to convey clear messages.

Example Answer

“In my last role as a sales manager, I was tasked with presenting our new product line to key stakeholders. I researched our audience’s interests and tailored the presentation to address their needs. I used a mix of storytelling, data visualization, and interactive elements to keep the audience engaged. The presentation was well-received, with several stakeholders commending its clarity and relevance. It resulted in a 20% increase in stakeholder buy-in for our new product line.”

Takeaway Messages

  • Effective Communication: Demonstrate your ability to deliver clear and engaging presentations.
  • Audience Engagement: Show how you tailor your approach to suit the audience’s interests and needs.
  • Impactful Delivery: Highlight the positive outcomes that resulted from your presentation skills.

This question gives you an opportunity to showcase your public speaking skills and your ability to create and deliver impactful presentations.

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