Describe your best partner or supervisor and their management style

Describe your best partner or supervisor and their management style


The interview question “Describe the best partner or supervisor you’ve worked with. What part of their management style appealed to you?” is intended to gauge your preferences in workplace relationships and your adaptability to different management styles.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

This question helps interviewers to:

  • Understand what management styles you respond best to.
  • Gain insight into your ideal work environment and team dynamics.
  • Determine if your preferences align with their company’s leadership style.

How to Answer the Question

  1. Reflect on Past Experiences: Think of a supervisor or partner whose style really resonated with you.
  2. Use Specific Examples: Provide a specific example that illustrates what you admired about their management style.
  3. Explain Why It Worked for You: Discuss how their style complemented your work preferences and contributed to your professional growth.
  4. Relate to the Job: If possible, relate your answer to the management style of the company you are interviewing with.

Example Answer

“One of the best supervisors I’ve worked with had an incredibly collaborative and empowering management style. She always encouraged open communication and valued everyone’s input, which made us feel respected and part of the decision-making process. This approach not only motivated me but also enhanced my problem-solving and teamwork skills. Her style aligns well with what I understand to be the culture at your company, which is one of the reasons I am excited about this opportunity.”

Takeaway Messages

  • Preferred Management Style: Articulate the type of management style that you find most effective.
  • Adaptability and Team Dynamics: Highlight how you adapt and contribute within different team environments.
  • Professional Development: Discuss how certain management styles have helped in your career development.

This question allows you to demonstrate your understanding of effective leadership and how it aligns with your work style and career goals.

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