Describe when you were unable to get your point across effectively

Describe when you were unable to get your point across effectively


“Can you talk about a time when you were unable to get your point across effectively?” This interview question explores your self-awareness, ability to recognize communication challenges, and how you’ve grown from past experiences.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

Interviewers ask this to assess:

  • Your self-awareness regarding communication skills.
  • How you handle communication breakdowns.
  • Your commitment to improving and learning from past experiences.

How to Answer the Question

  1. Acknowledge a Past Challenge: Identify a specific instance where your communication wasn’t as effective as you intended.
  2. Use the STAR Method:
    • Situation: Describe the context of the communication challenge.
    • Task: Explain what you were trying to achieve.
    • Action: Detail what contributed to the communication breakdown.
    • Result: Discuss how you recognized the issue and worked to improve.
  3. Highlight Growth and Improvement: Focus on the steps you’ve taken to enhance your communication skills since the incident.

Example Answer

“In my early career as a marketing assistant, I once presented a campaign idea that wasn’t well received. I realized later that my presentation lacked clear data to back my ideas and I hadn’t tailored my message to my audience’s interests. This experience taught me the importance of preparation and audience analysis. Since then, I’ve taken courses in effective communication and data presentation. My subsequent presentations have been more persuasive, garnering positive feedback and results.”

Takeaway Messages

  • Learning from Experience: Show your ability to learn from past communication challenges.
  • Continuous Improvement: Emphasize your commitment to developing your communication skills.
  • Awareness of Audience Needs: Highlight your understanding of tailoring communication to different audiences.

This question gives you a chance to demonstrate growth and a proactive approach to refining your communication skills.

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