Describe when you were able to successfully persuade someone at work

Describe when you were able to successfully persuade someone at work


The question “Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone at work to see things your way” is frequently asked in interviews to assess your influence, negotiation, and communication skills.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

This question helps interviewers understand:

  • Your ability to effectively communicate and persuade others.
  • How you handle disagreements or different viewpoints in the workplace.
  • Your skills in negotiation and achieving consensus.

How to Answer the Question

  1. Select a Pertinent Example: Choose an instance where you successfully persuaded a colleague or team.
  2. Use the STAR Method:
    • Situation: Set the scene and describe the differing viewpoints.
    • Task: Explain your perspective and what you were trying to achieve.
    • Action: Detail the steps you took to persuade the other party.
    • Result: Share the successful outcome and any positive impact it had.
  3. Emphasize Communication Skills: Focus on how you communicated your ideas and understood the other person’s perspective.

Example Answer

“At my previous job, I proposed a new approach to our project management process, which was initially met with skepticism by my team. I presented a detailed plan showcasing the potential efficiency and productivity gains. I also organized a small pilot project to demonstrate the feasibility of my approach. After seeing the positive results from the pilot, the team was convinced, and we successfully implemented the new process, leading to a 20% increase in project completion rate.”

Takeaway Messages

  • Effective Persuasion Techniques: Demonstrate your ability to persuade others while respecting their viewpoints.
  • Communication and Understanding: Show how you listen to and understand different perspectives.
  • Positive Impact of Persuasion: Highlight the beneficial outcomes of your persuasive efforts.

This question is an opportunity to illustrate your ability to influence others and foster positive change in a professional setting.

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